LHC in a nutshell

Passionate about sexology and the desire to put this passion to good use, we offer you a social project to remove taboos around the body and sexuality.

Many people are looking for relational, emotional and sexual well-being. But places where this knowledge and skills are learned are rare. There is no place like the Love Health Center where sexuality is viewed in a positive way.

Sexuality is an essential human need that contributes greatly to the intrinsic well-being of every person, regardless of age. Particularly sexual ignorance is enormous, both among young people and adults.

The Love Health Center is not a medical facility. Our positive, uncomplicated, and creative actions are not intended to be therapeutic, but often have this effect because they allow awakening, serenity and fulfilment. The Love Health Center is intended to be complementary to the other existing services in the Brussels.

Visions and usefulness of the project

Sexology should be basic health care accessible to all. In practice, however, sexology is not much accessible. The expenses are consequent and are not refunded. It makes it a service reserved for a minority of people. Financial accessibility is especially reduced for young people.

More generally, the majority of people are in demand for information and help with their sexual development and path. However, sexuality, in its representations, suffers greatly from a past of repression, misinformation, and taboos. It is not easy to talk about it. But it is possible!

What is missing are appropriate places and contexts for people to talk about it. There is a need to increase accessibility to sexological services and knowledge.

The existence of family planning is a given, but it was debated at the beginning of the last century. Today, a concept of “love planning” or “love center” could be just as shocking. We are aware that our activities are progressive. They may be perceived as confrontational for most people. And yet, we are certain that this will become obvious to the majority of people in our society within a few years. We wish to participate in creating a society where the place of sexuality and pleasure are honored and recognized. We are part of the Slow Sex movement.

This project is unique because it focuses solely on well-being and positive information: an honest, real, and scientific approach to sexuality. People, especially young people, are very sensitive to the energy and congruence of the people who talk to them.



Values and Ethics

Nos valeurs qui nous motivent :

  • Empowerment: being in control of one’s life.
  • Scientific approach: curiosity, observation, understanding, and wonder. The scientist adapts his.her paradigm, and his.her way of seeing the world constantly according to observations, unknowns, and discoveries. There is so much more to discover. The more we know, the more we marvel. A scientific approach is cyclical. It involves synthesis, practical evaluation, validation, and questioning of the model to refine and enrich it.
  • To be a pioneer in our field.
  • Nothing to protect, everything to offer. We start with abundance and generosity.
  • A place for sharing and intergenerational, intercultural and intergenerational encounters that promote openness and inclusion.
  • Dynamic, innovative and international
  • Well-being of self, the other, ethical and sustainable.
  • We adhere to the values of the SLOW movement (Slow food, Slow sex, Slow management, Slow business/economy…etc). To create shameless and positive dialogue in respecting the rhythm of each person. Our company has a modern way of operating, called “liberated company”. Based on self-management, self-governance, and self-assertion.

These values are “mega trends” of the society that is being built on the horizon. As pioneers, we wish to propose a model and participate in this dynamic.

Our core business is to promote empowerment and relational and sexual well-being. Helping a better and more fulfilling society. We are coaches and sexologists conscious of being daring. Our approach to sexuality is modern and responds to growing emerging needs.

Les Fondateurs


Olivier est un ingénieur électromécanique de formation dont les nombreuses formations au sujet de l'humain l'ont finalement amené à ses rêves. Il est maintenant coach de vie et relationnel, sexologue, passionné par le couple et l'éducation sexuelle des jeunes.

En savoir plus
Ce que les gens disent
Richard Pauline 30 Ans

C’est GÉNIAL comme projet, la sexualité est un sujet encore trop tabou et tellement fondamental !

Layla, Professeure en 6e secondaire à Bruxelles 32 Ans

La présentation d’Olivier a vraiment captivé les élèves. L’exposé était très complet et bien structuré. Olivier invite les élèves à participer activement en leur posant des questions variées et surtout en les mettant à l’aise

Participante à une conférence 28 Ans

Bravo pour cette magnifique initiative pionnière dans sa volonté d’innover et d’aborder la sexualité sous l’angle du bien-être

Laurie Vallée Dallaire, Doula canadienne xx Ans

Olivier et Camille forment une équipe dynamique et savent nous entraîner dans leur passion pour la santé sexuelle et leur désir créer de nouvelles initiatives. Ils sont ouverts à explorer toutes sortes de sujets, sans tabous et sans jugement. J’attend déjà avec impatience notre prochaine collaboration!

Michel 50 Ans

Le Love Health Center est d’abord un endroit sain où quels que soient l’orientation et les choix de vie que l’on prenne, genrée ou non, chacun trouve sa place pour s’exprimer.

De l’ado aux parents, de la femme en périnatalité au couple en difficulté, chacun peut y trouver un espace de dialogue, une écoute bienveillante et sans jugement, une aide précieuse et des conseils d’un expert.

Le Love Health Center c’est aussi des cercles de paroles, entre hommes, entre femmes, en mixité, …Tout y est pensé pour permettre à chacun d’explorer sa relation avec sa sexualité !

Mais ce qui me marque le plus, c’est que dans sa démarche avec ses ateliers, ses cercles de paroles mais aussi ses podcasts, le Love Health Center contribue à rendre le dialogue et la parole sur le sexe moins tabou dans notre société…. Pourquoi est-ce si important selon moi ? Car beaucoup de personnes ont subi des agressions sexuelles et le premier frein à oser en parler, et donc aussi pour dénoncer et porter plainte, ce sont justement ces tabous en société, les raccourcis et les jugements.

Je dis longue vie à un projet juste UNIQUE en Europe, au moment où je frappe ces lignes, un projet BIENVEILLANT, dans l’AMOUR et le RESPECT de VOTRE IDENTITE … Un projet qui ACCOMPAGNE et AIDE vraiment, efficacement l’HUMAIN à ETRE une MEILLEURE PERSONNE.

Bravo à Oliver Mageren et à son équipe !


Why “Only Good Vibes”

Some people ask us why we chose the slogan “only good vibes”?  That’s a great question!

We take a holistic, inquisitive and inclusive approach to sexuality. The slogan refers to pleasure. Life is sensory. We are creators and responsible for our own lives and what we offer to others. We color life with our beautiful vibration. By accepting ourselves as we are, we include all parts of ourselves, complete, whole, inclusive. And we become available to ourselves and open to others.

At the Love Health Center, we have an approach of welcoming, openness, inclusion and fun. Life is what we make of it.

Only good vibes is it inclusive?

Quite the contrary. We’re talking about anchoring and intention. Nothing is good or bad. It all depends on what we are capable of doing with it. Every situation is an opportunity to wake up. Whether the situation is painful or pleasant, it is a gift that is given to us. It is up to us to discover its treasures.

Nos partenaires
The Red Moon CIe The Podcast Factory Org