Marga Berlinski, Sex Positive Coach #41

Marga Berlinski - Sex Positive Coach

#41 Sex Positive Coach – Marga Berlinski

In this 41st episode of the Love Health Center podcast, Olivier interviews Marga Berlinski, a sex, intimacy and relationship coach from Amsterdam.

Marga shares her passion for educating people about intimacy and relationships to create a better world. She believes that sexuality is an area of life to play in, connect with oneself and others. Marga talks about her personal journey of discovering her own sexual identity, and how it led her to become a sex coach. It reveals the importance of speaking authentically and vulnerably about our sexual lives to learn, practice, and grow. And as usual, we share with you several advices to help improve you sexual life.


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This podcast is the 41st episode of the Love Health Center in Europe about sex positivism, relationship and sexuality. 

Olivier interviews Marga Berlinski, a sex, intimacy and relationship coach from Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 

They discuss Marga’s life journey, her passion for educating and supporting people in their growth path and how important it is to bring more love and awareness in the world through intimacy and relating. 

They also talk about the significance of sexuality as an area of life to play and grow. 

Finally, they emphasize the need to share experiences, to learn and practice. Especially in a culture where it’s rare to speak with authenticity and vulnerability about sexual life.

From disappointment and resignation to a fulfilling sexual life and relationship, listen how Marga made such progress what are her advices to you.

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Sequencing of the podcast with Marga Berlinski:

  • 00:18 Introduction et presentation of Marga
  • 01:04 What is your intention today recording this podcast?
  • 01:54 Can you share with us what means for you the sexuality?
  • 03:36 Can you share with us what was your journey until now?
  • 05:45 What was the major steps that changed your life from resignation to hope and then wellness?
  • 09:56 Is there some advice you would give to people?
  • 13:01 What would be some advice about the love?
  • 17:39 As a sexual coach, is there something you would love to share with people, to help them to progress in their sexuality that is really vivid for you today or any important message?
  • 20:52 In your personal life, is there a funny moment you remember it gives you the most confidence, freedom, or wellness?
  • 27:24 What would be your last advice to listeners which is important for you in your life, in your profession?
  • 28:54 How people can contact you and what kind of activities you are proposing?
  • 32:23 We love to end the podcast with gratitudes…
  • 34:44 Listeners can leave a voice message to Marga
  • 35:51 Closure of the podcast

Transcript of the podcast :

Download the transcription without timecodes.

In-Outro: [00:00:00] Entr’Nous (female voice Katalin); Entr’Nous (male voice Olivier); there to talk about sexuality (female voice Katalin); for you (male voice Olivier); with you (female voice Katalin); by you (male voice Michel).

Olivier Mageren: [00:00:18] Welcome in the 41st podcast episode of the Love Health Center, a centre in Europe about relationship and sexuality. And today I have the great pleasure to interview Marga Berlinski. Hello. (Marga Berlinsky : Hi there). So, Marga. Can you explain us who are you?

Marga Berlinski: [00:00:36] Who am I? So, and by the way, it’s so much fun to be with you, Olivier. It’s really great. So, my name is Marga Berlinsky, I’m Dutch, I live in Amsterdam, The Netherlands and I am a sex, intimacy and a relationship coach. So, I work with men and women in the area of relating and dating and love and intimacy to really create freedom, intimate relationships, and really have their own self-expression in sex and intimacy.

Olivier Mageren: [00:01:04] Thank you. So today the podcast will be about a bit of your life and story and advice. Today, what is your intention recording this podcast? 

Marga Berlinski: [00:01:15] For me, what I love is to really educate people and really to support them in their path of growth. So I am, you know, I’m passionate about bringing more love to the world and bringing more awareness. And then we can really, you know, through doing this, create a better world together. So, if we all love a little bit better ourselves and others, I think we can make a more beautiful world to live in together. And I do that through the areas of intimacy and relating. But that’s it for me, right? Educate and share, so something else becomes possible.

Olivier Mageren: [00:01:54] Exactly, we need to show how we can go to wellness state of a joyful life, and we need to… Basically to go there, we need to share experiences to learn and practice. That’s really about a practical approach of the life. And it’s well known in sexology, sexuality seems something natural and easy, but it’s more about learnings and experiences, and growth, than anything else. So that’s why it’s really important to speak out and share that message between adults. Because it’s so rare that we really talk with authenticity and vulnerability about our sexual life. And today it’s an opportunity to open the door. So, the previous podcast, the 40th, was about sex positivism in Belgium. And today I invite you because you are a kind of sex positive actor, activist, in The Netherlands, and it makes like an easy link between the previous podcast. Can you share with us what means for you the sexuality?

Marga Berlinski: [00:02:54] For me, sexuality is really an area of life to play in. I would say it’s like a beautiful area for growth, to play in, to connect. And that’s in short it, I think, yeah, does that make sense when I say that? And to add to that, actually is that, you know, sexuality and intimacy, such a vulnerable thing for us human beings and such an essential thing. So, it’s yeah, it’s just a beautiful thing to be able to express yourself freely in to connect with yourself and others. So that’s why I am in this field.

Olivier Mageren: [00:03:36] And can you share with us how you get to that point? Where you are now, today, as a coach and in your intimate and private life also? How you get to that point, what was your journey up to now?

Marga Berlinski: [00:03:50] Yeah, well, I’ve always been working in the field of growth and development through body work, personal coaching, transformational work. And so, I’ve done that for over 15 years now. And I think about ten years ago I just kind of like having to admit to myself that my intimate life wasn’t really as great as I liked it to be. And if that would be really honest, actually, I was really resigned and really didn’t like it. I felt insecure. I didn’t feel great, like I felt insecure about my body, felt insecure when I would be intimate with partners. And once I’ve kind of admitted that to myself because for a long time I just pretend that all of us fine is just like, No, I’m fine. I have other things that I like. I’m just not looking at this side of me until it was kind of a bit silly. Like I had to admit to myself. It’s a bit silly then. I’m kind of always ignoring this area. Well, it’s really bothering me. I was at that time in a room in a long-term relationship and the intimacy in our relationship really didn’t work. We didn’t know how to connect and communicate about it, and it had a big impact. And so, when that relationship ended, I set myself on a journey, you could say to free myself up to find what works for me. And then I started different things. And along that path I discovered so much for myself and shifted so much that I discovered. And really, I really want to share this with people. So, I already did that work. Like I was already working with people, coaching people, and then it started to gradually move more into the realm of intimacy and sex because I saw how much you can grow in that and how fulfilling it is and how what people get out of it by actually engaging for themselves in this area. So that’s how I ended up being in the sex intimacy relationship coach.

Olivier Mageren: [00:05:45] I was touched when you say that in one moment in your life you feel resigned and not secured. And it was difficult to talk and develop yourself in sexuality with your partner and with yourself. And it’s so common, in fact, to start with some difficulties. Maybe you wanted to give up (Marga Berlinsky : Yeah). So, there is no solution and… But at the end, you find a solution that’s a source of growth, which is very important. I was wondering, you say that you are working with people and coaching for many years and then you started to look at the sexuality.

Marga Berlinski: [00:06:24] Yeah, that’s correct. Yeah.

Olivier Mageren: [00:06:25] Personally, I think if you want to make sustainable change and growth and wellness one way or another, we need to go to the sexuality domain to look what is inside and for yourself. What was the kind of pivot point, you know, like the major steps that change your life from resignation to hope and then wellness?

Marga Berlinski: [00:06:49] And so no, … Because I was working in already coaching, right, and doing personal development work. So, at a certain point, like I said, I couldn’t really pretend to myself anymore. I was like, I had done enough personal work to be able to see, like, who am I fooling here? Who am I kidding here? Right? This area is not working for me. I’m so super resigned. And so, I started doing several practices that really supported me. So, I started the practice of orgasmic meditation, which shifted so many things for me in my perception of who I am as a woman, the connection and relationship to my body and my own sexuality. And I did other things too. I did Tantra. I explored in the BDSM scene as well, and I just tried a lot of different things. And through that I learned what I liked. I learned what I didn’t like. But I think the biggest shift for me was when I was actually practicing orgasmic meditation. At a certain point it clicked for me that there was nothing wrong with my body. So, to give you a bit of an idea like before, when I would be intimate in that period when I was super resigned, I didn’t feel very aroused. I didn’t really like being intimate. I felt really insecure through it, and I just thought there was something wrong with my body, right? Everybody around me seemed to have it figured out. Everybody seemed to have pleasure, right? And I never heard anybody share about there’s something they didn’t like about sex and intimacy. So, I felt really lonely. And I thought, well, I guess there’s something wrong with my body because it’s not working the way it should be. And through my practice, I really discovered there was actually nothing wrong with me. I just never had taken the time and slowed down enough and bring attention to what I needed and desired and give words to that and connect to myself and my body. And when I discovered that, that like, oh, actually there’s nothing wrong with me and just. You know, there’s just attention to bring. That was such a massive shift for me. That was really a moment when I could start to play and enjoy. Where before I was kind of like, Oh, I hope I can fix this, right? And then I was like, Oh, wow, there’s actually nothing wrong. But I can learn new skills and I can meet new people who can teach me things that are exciting, and I could become curious about what was possible versus being just like, well, whatever. 

Olivier Mageren: [00:09:21] Well… wonderful, from a state of trying to fix or avoid, to a state of playing and enjoying your life, your body, your relationship to yourself. It’s such a big hope message for so many people. Because somehow when I see the level of frustration of not enough satisfied sex life, there are so much to do. And it goes through practice. It’s not theory. It’s clearly a great example because you dare to share it publicly that the growth is coming from the practice.

Marga Berlinski: [00:09:55] Yes.

Olivier Mageren: [00:09:56] You can talk, we can read books, we can talk about theory, but at the end it’s all about practice, experiences, and time to slow down, to connect. Is there some advice you would give to people around this domain?

Marga Berlinski: [00:10:12] Yeah, for sure. I’d say take your time and bring lots of compassion. Right? It sounds maybe like, oh, I started practicing and everything turned around. It’s like, well, you know, I had a coach, several coaches. I tried so many different things. Some were amazing and did a lot for me. Some were really not for me. But I had to try it out and experience that. And so, it was messy, you know, at times there was just lots of emotion. I had to deal and learn the kind of feel through it all, how to navigate my emotions. I had to learn how to ask for support. I was always this independent woman. I can do it myself. Thank you very much. And just reaching out to people and saying, hey, you know, can you listen to me? That was such a big thing for me, or I have a request, right? Asking for something was another thing that I really had to learn. So, it took me years to be able, to be able to move freely like I do now. And it was with trial and error, right? Sometimes I messed up and sometimes I think back about conversation I had and like, oh my God, did I really say that? Or and there are always also moments I cherish that I’m like, Wow, I made such beautiful connections there. Or I had a real victory over some patterns that you know about being vulnerable. So that’s my biggest giveaways to allow yourself on this journey and allow yourself time and space and support. Don’t do this alone, really.

Olivier Mageren: [00:11:48] I love the silence after such a deep message. When you were talking, I was also thinking about it’s not gender specific, what you say is really about anyone. And whatever the gender, it’s there to ask advice is such a big step for some people and then take time because it takes years sometimes to feel good. And when you see other happy, sometimes we think, oh, it’s easier for others, or it should be easier for me. But it’s always and regularly it’s a long process of discovering yourself, step by step, year after year, and then sometimes some experiences are awesome. So, some makes sense in the journey, but not the main one. It goes step by step. And a contact after another. We increase also the network. Basically, that’s also how we met several years ago. It’s about experiencing. And then we are in the same kind of community. And then we start to discover each other’s and discover we are more and more people willing to go to the more wellness and love. You said it at the beginning of the podcast: Your intention is to spread love.

Marga Berlinski: [00:13:00] Yes.

Olivier Mageren: [00:13:01] To radiate, to really own your life, your emotion, your communication, and be playful with it. Would you have a second advice because you know the podcast is made to help people to progress by their own. And sometimes just a question of advice makes a big difference. What would be some advice about the love?

Marga Berlinski: [00:13:20] Love is quite a large, large topic. What I can say is about love is like really, love is expressed in communication, whether that’s verbal or physical or any level of communication that’s possible. And. In my experience, we are always coming from love, and we’re connected to love naturally as human beings, you know? And along the way in our lives, what happens is that we get disconnected from love. Things happen from maybe a young age. Life happens, basically and then we… We kind of disconnect and then we forget what it’s like to be in a state of love. And to experience love again is to connect back. Connect back to yourself. So let go of the old, maybe old pains, the old fears. Reconnect with the people in your life. So, wherever there is this connection, do the work to connect back. And all of that will give you a stronger sense of confidence and self-love. And when we can feel that self-love, we can also love others more. And all of that is also based in communication. The ability to be able to openn to express yourself, to go back to that certain person and clean up the mess that was left there, or say that vulnerable thing, like I had to ask to learn how to ask for support or ask for what I wanted. So, it’s all in that realm of communication. So, if you really want to bring more love in life. What you want to practice and develop yourself in is to be able to communicate in a way that feels freeing for you. Embrace. Bring love. Through communication.

Olivier Mageren: [00:15:14] Yeah. And it could be people can use any manner to express love with the body language, with the eyes, with the face, with the posture, with the weight. Yeah. To to position yourself, the intonation and the voice. It’s so many ways we can really enrich. And even beyond the words, the logic mind, we feel it’s love, whatever is the language, we can speak any language. At the end we can. The goal could be just to transmit love. Whatever we are saying and whatever the topics, you know, it’s not something so…

Marga Berlinski: [00:15:51] Yeah, but it is also important to give words to it, right? Because there are so many levels of communication. But sometimes I hear people say like, my partner knows I love them as well. Do you express it, actually? It’s like: “No, I don’t know”. I don’t express my love. That is weird. It’s like, well, right. We sometimes assume people know we love them, or there is this kind of assumption that love is just there. But if it’s not expressed, it’s not always as obvious for people or as present. So, it’s really also being conscious about creating love. Love doesn’t fall out of thin air. It’s a conscious creation. That’s what I like about it. It’s like I can create love with who I am, being with the people around me, how I connect with them, how I nourish my relationships. And the better I am at that, the more love I have in my life. So, love is really in connection. It’s not a thing in your head.

Olivier Mageren: [00:16:50] Wow, I will process. I guess, like listeners of the podcast we process a lot of your messages. And it’s so true, it’s a creation. It means also we can be creative, but it’s also easy. You can do it any time, any moment. It’s inside every communication. So, every second is an opportunity to share love and express and learn all we can do it and go beyond our comfort zone sometimes to be more authentic and vulnerable.

Marga Berlinski: [00:17:21] Yeah, I found that real. You know, real vulnerability often leave us connected to love when somebody share something real for them. And with me, for example, I can feel love, right? There is this instant connection when we’re really vulnerable or authentic with each other and are such an experience of love as well.

Olivier Mageren: [00:17:39] As a sexual coach. Is there something you would love to share with people, to help them to progress in their sexuality that is really vivid for you or important message?

Marga Berlinski: [00:17:50] I think it starts by really being comfortable around sexuality. So, if you’re uncomfortable around it, even just talking about it, or thinking about it. If there is discomfort and disconnect and which there is a lot, right? We don’t grow up in societies that encourage this kind of speaking, right? We don’t grow up in societies where we are encouraged to express ourselves freely. We’re mostly suppressed when it comes to our sexuality. And we need to get our information from the Internet, which is not always a really great source of information. So start to be comfortable and learn what your likes and dislikes are. And again, that is practice. Like we said before, it’s through practice and experiences. You can get to discover that. However, sometimes I work with people and then they have a desire to do these practices and connect with people. But that’s a little bit too fast. They first need to do a little bit more work on themselves and get kind of their heads around their own relationship to their own sexuality. Many times, people get very negative messages about sexuality in their upbringing. So that’s also there’s a lot of shame and fear and there’s taboo involved. So yeah, we really want to gently open that up for ourselves, but it starts with talking about it. When I did my coaching, when I very first started, I had a coach, and I was going to share this with people. So, like you had to kind of we talked about sexuality and for example, he asked me to say the word “cock”, right? Somehow, we talked about sexuality and genitals, and I just couldn’t, I was avoiding certain words. And he noticed and he said, can you just say that word? And I could only giggle. I did not know how to say the word cock. And then it took me a while to become comfortable around using words for body parts. And it’s like really is like, yeah, I was just never, ever I would never ever talk about these things. So having a person I could talk about these things was so freeing, was so freeing. So that’s also a great place to start. When you’re not quite sure, find someone you can freely speak about this who knows how to listen to that so you can get that initial shame and fear of expressing yourself away. Because everything that we’re not expressing, it kind of stays in the inside. That’s really it starts to live its own life, whatever is on the inside and not expressed. It starts to feel really big or really strange and weird and fantasies develop all kind of things. And then when we start to give words to that, it can kind of get space, can it be aired out? And then it becomes way easier to find approval for the things that you like or discover. Oh yeah, actually I’m really interested in this, but this is a nice fantasy, but I don’t really want to pursue it. So, it becomes, yeah, you need to learn to vocalize it as well.

Olivier Mageren: [00:20:52] In your personal life when you start it to, when you dare to talk, and you use the word “cock” or whatever about the body, is there a funny moment you remember or where did you practice, and it gives you the most confidence or freedom or wellness?

Marga Berlinski: [00:21:09] Hmm. Ha! Let me think. I think I was in a women’s group. We were talking about fantasies about sexual fantasies. And there was one woman there, a friend of mine, and she was so free. She was just happily with this red hair. Her cheeks were red, and she was so happy, staring about a certain fantasy she had so freely. Or she described how she would be intimate with people. And it was such a pleasure to listen to. And, you know, we all had an opportunity if we wanted to share. And I remember I was so nervous about sharing some of my… my desires. But I think that’s a very precious memory of me, that her example of being so excited about sharing it and using words I would never say, right. But her example was so inspiring that it gave me a little bit of a push to also say certain things I would maybe never say or express desires I felt really shy about and finding out how fun it was to share it with in a safe space like that. Right? It was really set up like we had a small group of women, and it was set up to do that. So, it was totally, totally appropriate and a creative moment and it was just so much fun. We giggled so much, and it was very connecting. I felt very connected to all of us there. So yeah, that’s something that comes to mind straightaway.

Olivier Mageren: [00:22:34] Yeah. In some theories they say that we are the average of the five people we meet the most in our life, in our daily life. And so, we are influenced by the people around us. So that’s why our main partners or family, whatever is important but to choose our friends. And if some friends are free to talk and more at ease, playful or whatever, it could be a huge opportunity, in fact, to growth and open that domain of your life. Just make it fun and maybe start to meet new people that are feel more free about sexuality than anybody around you in your current life. 

Marga Berlinski: [00:23:10] Yeah, yeah. I would say definitely meet new people, right? Definitely go out, go to new workshops, maybe do events you would never do. See what you feel comfortable enough. You know, there’s many meetups which you are also organizing, right? So about connecting with people. Yeah, definitely. It’s like change your environment and change what people say, right? That’s that will give you a real new take on life for you. I heard and learned so many new things that I wasn’t even aware it was possible, and it was fun. And like I said, sometimes it was great and sometimes like, oops, well, this is not for me, but all right, not a problem. It was a discovery and a learning anyway.

Olivier Mageren: [00:23:54] It’s usually based on the average behaviors, is everybody authorizing themselves to do it, would be proud to do it naturally. And if nobody is doing it, do you dare to do it? Do you authorize yourself to talk about it? Or at least to ask the question because maybe people are okay and desiring a communication about sexuality, but they don’t dare because it’s not in the habit to talk freely about it. And it’s so present. Yeah, yesterday I was visiting an exhibition in Ghent in Belgium, about the sexuality and desire. Artists were exhibiting some artefacts. It was gorgeous to see how the body is central in every human life. It’s so present, it’s so beautiful. The way artist can magnify the beauty of and the desire and sexuality. And it’s such a like a taboo and somehow, because it’s not so often that we just accept our body as it is and accept it’s a big part of life. And we need to create space and time, as you say, to welcome it, to live it fully. The life is so much intellectual, mental performance creation, but sometimes we are missing the body side and the sexuality so much. Yeah. To balance more or life with those essential domains.

Marga Berlinski: [00:25:06] Yeah, that’s so spot on. It’s really, you know, desire also lives in the body. So, there is you need a healthy connection to the body and awareness of what’s happening, to be able to also create pleasure and have fun together and know what there is to communicate about. Right. So, the body is such an essential part and part of the work that I do when I work with people. It’s also actually really connecting to the body and not even in a sexual sense. It’s really like, can you put your hand on your heart and connect with your heart space and feel like that’s your heart, feel open or not, right? Or for example, the belly, we hold so many emotions and then maybe there is some work to do first to soften up that area, to be able to relax into your body. Because if you cannot relax in yourself, if if you’re always on tension, right. Because we walk around, we collect all this also trauma and emotion in our bodies, unresolved trauma and emotion gets stuck right in our on a physical level. So, there’s tension in the bodies. And once you start working with that, that’s also really beautiful way to open up more. And because the body relaxes and when you’re more relaxed, you’re more relaxed with people and you can connect deeper and there’s more intimacy possible. So yeah, the body is so important in all of this. So yeah, it’s a combination for me. It’s like, like you said, you can only speak so much about it, but for certain practices and connecting to the body, there is so much to learn and to grow in.

Olivier Mageren: [00:26:39] We think about what you say at the beginning of the podcast about you. There is nothing wrong with your body. Once you start to name desires or part of the body, it’s started to exist. You give space and time, and the mind can really welcome it. So, you put awareness in the body and then start to feel your body and nothing is wrong. Sometimes people complain about their sexuality, sensation, pleasure, whatever. But when you ask what they did and how they give time and space for it, it’s not so much. It’s like with a friend we never met, and we want to have a very intimate connection! We need to meet regularly to have an intimate connection. If you meet a friend every two years could be a great friend, but the level of intimacy is very relative.

Marga Berlinski: [00:27:22] Yeah. Yeah, that’s so, yeah.

Olivier Mageren: [00:27:24] Is there a last advice which is important for you in your life or in your profession?

Marga Berlinski: [00:27:30] I should say, besides all the wonderful things to be mentioned. Before, right? Because we talked about communication and connecting to the body, also asking for support. Right. You really need a community around you to get different perspectives and go outside of the familiar, really experienced new things. Finally, I think, and this is really for people who are already intimately connected with someone is and also, it’s as actually for everyone, it’s really discover the way you listen to yourself and to your partner. And what I mean by that is often we think we’re really open to people and we actually really listen. But you want to start noticing all the stuff that you put in between you and other people, right? When somebody says, oh, you look beautiful, then the little voice in your head says, Yeah, you only say that blah, blah, or no, I’m not so bloody, bloody not. And you want to start listening to, oh, how do I relate to people. And when you get present to that and connected to that. Then you can really connect if you can be responsible for that automatic reaction and the way you listen to people and with your partner, you can really then start discovering them newly or discovering that person in front of you that you’re meeting. So, I think that’s the last thing, maybe a little bit abstract, but I hope it communicates. But it’s really like learn and discover about yourself. Like how do you listen? Really?

Olivier Mageren: [00:28:54] Yeah. And personally learn a lot about how to listen to people and be present thanks to orgasmic meditation. It could be for some people, it could be special to hear that practising orgasmic meditation can really help about the quality of communication, the verbal communication. And for me it was a big, big takeaway and lesson learned out of the practice, which is very important, which is very strong and essential in life, way beyond sexuality. And sometimes the way to develop the communication is so funny. It’s not direct, it’s not, I want this, and I will obtain it. You make an experience and then all the treasures are new, and you can just discover at the end what you learn but cannot expect everything you can get out of an experience of wellness, of sexuality, tantra or whatever. Experience it, and then you will see how rich it was and how much gift it is behind it. You can sum up what you did and learn. Marga, if people want to contact you, how can they contact you? Can you also explain what kind of activities, even workshop, are you proposing ? Or how you can help people?

Marga Berlinski: [00:30:05] Yeah, so people can find me through different means. I have a website turn on nl dot com. It is my company “turn on the Netherlands”. And you can find me on Facebook. My number is on my website, so feel free to text me or send me a message via my website. I’m on several social medias. And there are several things I do. I do one on one coaching for singles and couples where we really work on personal goals that you have personal issues that you want to transform for yourself, but also give workshops. So, if I do something called Tantra Speed Dating, which is such a fun and wonderful way of dating, which is all about connecting. As for singles, I do tantra date night. It’s for couples. I give play parties, or I organize play parties where people can explore sexuality in a conscious, safe space and women’s circles. There are many different things I do. So yeah, I’d say for those who are curious, reach out to me and connect and then we can really look at what could it be for you, right? Is it a one-on-one thing? Should I maybe say like, no, I’m joined the workshop and we’ll go from there. Just reach out and connect.

Olivier Mageren: [00:31:16] And I hope you will find the moment in the agenda so that we can invite you in Brussels, maybe to propose some of your activities. But also, we can travel easily from Belgium to The Netherlands for people from Belgium. But also a lot of people that are listening to us are coming from France or Canada or Switzerland, so it’s more far away. Anyway, we can also travel from time to time to meet more and more people.

Marga Berlinski: [00:31:42] Yes, and I’d love to come to Belgium. Oh, my goodness. That would be so much fun. Really.

Olivier Mageren: [00:31:48] Let’s organize that in the next month so that we can celebrate also all those achievements and share that love as you talk at the beginning. So, we celebrate the accomplishment because it’s a big shift usually in life to propose help about sexuality, workshop and so on. It’s so precious, it’s so gorgeous, so really thank you for doing it because it’s really inspiring. And yeah, you need to be very well with yourself and okay, let’s do it. Let’s go on and turn on The Netherlands.

Marga Berlinski: [00:32:19] Yes. And everybody around us.

Olivier Mageren: [00:32:23] So we’ll post all the link you mentioned on the article of the podcast, will also organize even together in future for sure. And I love to end the podcast with the gratitude, whatever it is, because for me it’s a way to celebrate the life and also see that usually we grow thanks to the relationship we have, and sometimes even people that receive the gratitude didn’t know they have such a big impact on us. So, I’m curious about the gratitude you may have. Can you please share several of them if you want?

Marga Berlinski: [00:32:54] Yeah, and I’m really grateful for my partner, so I just want to express my gratitude for my partner, the way we can explore together, the way we create our relationship. It’s really alive, it’s playful, it’s sensual, and we really create it together, you know, to keep the spark alive between us. So, there’s a commitment for a relationship to be sparkly and also alive and to create family and partnership. So, I’m really happy that over the years that we have been growing and growing. So, a big gratitude to my partner. I also want to thank you, Olivier. It’s such a pleasure. I’m really grateful for the work that you do and what you provide with your podcast and the Love Health Center. I think it’s so inspiring. So, thank you for putting all that work and effort in. And bringing this much needed conversation to the world. Yeah, and I’m grateful for my mentors and trainers who have the patience to be with me when I had to go through all of my discoveries and challenges. So, a big thank you and love for them as well. And lastly, for the people who are listening, hi there, that’s you, thank you for taking your time and being here. And I’m grateful for your exploration and the things you will be discovering and opening up for yourself. So that’s my great gratitude for today.

Olivier Mageren: [00:34:18] Thank you. I found very funny the way you mentioned the gratitude to your mentors or coaches, because indeed, sometimes the journey is very so unique and only you and your coach know about it.

Marga Berlinski: [00:34:29] Yes, yes. Yeah

Olivier Mageren: [00:34:33] It seems sometimes like a linear path and sometimes it’s really not.

Marga Berlinski: [00:34:38] Oh my goodness, I’m still on the path and it’s not linear whatsoever.

Olivier Mageren: [00:34:44] So thank you to all those people you mentioned that I don’t know, but that makes you so unique and great. So, thank you for all your people around you that support you. Really, the environment is so important to support each other. So, for the listeners, if you want to leave us a voice message knows that there is a link in the article. It’s called vodio, and if you click on vodio there are two buttons: one with a microphone and one with a letter. And if you click on the microphone, you can record a voice message and then we receive it privately. We can share it with Marga, with the team, with the producer and so on. It’s so great and funny for us to listen about your feedback, any comments, questions, gratitude, anything is so joyful for us to have some communication with you, so feel free to send us voice messages.

Marga Berlinski: [00:35:34] Oh, it’s such a lovely thing. Oh my God. I can’t wait to hear the voice messages. I did such a great thing. What a fun thing to do.

Olivier Mageren: [00:35:42] So if you want to offer a gift to Marga, please send a voice message.

Marga Berlinski: [00:35:47] I will respond. I will send you a personal message back. Definitely.

Olivier Mageren: [00:35:51] Thank you.

Marga Berlinski: [00:35:51] Yeah. And I say I also wanted to do, you know, really bring the Love Health Center to the attention as well. Right? So, if you have enjoyed listening to us and enjoy the work that they’re doing, there is a way to support them. You can support them with a donation. If you want to have this podcast to continue, you can consider doing a monthly donation or a one off, and that would be really we would really appreciate that to make more of this material and share more of the love with you. So, thank you for considering that. And to find that where you can do a donation, please look at the website and you will find the information there.

Olivier Mageren: [00:36:26] Thank you.

Marga Berlinski: [00:36:27] Entr’Nous (female voice Katalin); Entr’Nous (male voice Olivier); there to talk about sexuality (female voice Katalin); for you (male voice Olivier); with you (female voice Katalin); by you (male voice Michel).

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