12. Reading Sharing

At the Love Health Center, we are committed to creating spaces that speak to you.

Do you want to learn and read books about relationships, intimacy, the couple, but don’t have time to discover everything? Let’s share our readings between passionate people to grow!

The “Reading Sharing” evenings allow you to approach new knowledge in an interactive, fun and warm way.

We invite you to come and share a book you have just read. Then let’s exchange together on this theme.

It is you who create this evening. It is an evening of exchange made in simplicity, spontaneity, in the pleasure of exchanging with other people.

How is the evening prepared?

Imagine that you have just read a very nice book. You contact us. We briefly discuss the subject together. If it suits us mutually, we support you to prepare together the first 20 minutes of the gesticulated lecture. We clarify what you want to share, structure it, and write the script. Once agreed upon, we set a date for a “Reading Sharing Evening”. And we offer this programming to the public.

In practice, the format of the evening:

A simplified version of the gesticulated lectures is offered. This is as follows:

First part of 20 minutes: A person comes to present a book in their own way that they have just read for 15-20 minutes.

Second part of 20 minutes: Afterwards, the people present in the room are divided into subgroups (of their choice) and discuss in subgroups what has just been shared. Question yourself, start a debate, enrich yourself with the knowledge and reflections of the people around you. Create new thoughts, evolve in your ideas, let yourself be touched by the finesse and intelligence of the other people in your sub-group.

Third part of 20 minutes: After this moment of exchange in the sub-group, we return to unity. The whole room comes back together to exchange. Each sub-group is invited to briefly present a few thoughts they have just had. And the whole group can react in order to progress again and go further in the reflections.

The rest of the evening is free. Stay in place, get to know other people. Continue the evening in your own way over a drink, a meal, or simply in the living room.

I reserve my experience

Why are you coming?

  • I’m a novice. I want to awaken myself and learn about a new subject I don’t know.
  • I wish to go further in my already extensive knowledge.
  • I am already an expert. I have read a lot on the subject that I no longer want to read or buy books on. And I find it very nice to take advantage of the summary made by other people to continue to enrich myself on the theme.

You like to meet people who share common interests.

Contact us to

  • Propose a theme or book that interests you for a future session. Let yourself go! We’re here to listen to you. The topics are so varied. Thanks to you, we like to propose a wide variety of subjects;
  • Propose to come and present a book you have just read (programming for a next session).

The evenings are for all books. Old and new books. There are a lot of books that are pearls and that deserve to be discovered.

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